Mice infestation is a common problem every home owner face. These rodents can be found anywhere causing significant damage to the property. Therefore to prevent mice infestation Mice Removal Service is important.

Identification of House Mice Removal or Mus musculus

Mice are small rodents that are not native to North America. Mice arrived with early European settlers in the coastal regions of the U.S. The mouse has become widespread throughout the United States, including Atlanta, Georgia.

Typically, the house mouse is nocturnal, but may be active during the day when food is difficult to find. Mice have varied diets consisting of grains, fruits, vegetables and refuse.

Mice have a small almost bald tail with short body hair that varies in color from whitish-grey to dark brown. The average body and head length of a mouse is 2” to 3 ½” not including the tail that is almost as long as their body.

House mice are inexhaustible breeders. Females reach sexual maturity within thirty-five days of birth and males in sixty days. Mice may have several litters in their short life-span. A twenty-day gestation period may produce four to eight offspring per litter.

Mouse ears are moderately large (in proportion to their body) and naked. A mouse has well-developed senses of smell, taste and hearing but poor vision. Mice are excellent climbers and swimmers.

How, When and Why They Become a Nuisance Pest

Mice will reside in attics, walls, basements, crawl spaces, or in any living space accessible to them. They can keep you up at night with nocturnal attic noise or noise in walls. One female mouse can live up to 1 year and is capable of producing 70+ offspring in her life span. Mice will live inside buildings and carry out their breeding and damaging habits year round.

Damage They Cause

Removal of mice is important may spread diseases such as Rickettsiapox, Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, E.coli etc through bites, fleas, microbes, feces (a single mouse can produce sixty droppings in one day) and partially eaten foodstuffs. Mice will damage electrical wires by chewing on them.

Atlanta, Georgia Mouse Removal & Mouse Control

It is not easy to permanently rid a structure of mice and/or rats; they coexist with humans quite well. The first step in the mouse removal program should be trapping. Live-trapping works well for field mice and rats, but are less effective for other species of mice and rats. Trapping mice and rats can be challenging to the novice, please contact a professional rodent exterminator, such as Urban Wildlife Control before attempting to control a rodent problem.

Habitat modification also is a key component in rodent control. Start habitat modification by removing food sources, such as pet foods left out, and human food scraps. Hiding places, if possible, should be eliminated.

Excluding rodents from a structure is the most successful form of mice removal service; physically restricting access to your home may be the only solution for long term relief from rat and mouse problems. Because mice are excellent climbers and can squeeze through a hole only a ¼” in size exclusion can be a laborious task.