
The common Snapping Turtle is located throughout North America, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic coast to the Rocky Mountains. Snapping turtles are known their aggressive personality and tough jaws, which can inflict serious bite wounds. The snapper will usually avoid confrontation while in the water, but, if disturbed on land, the creature will strike rapidly by reaching forward and snapping with their beaks.

The snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle living in the greater Atlanta area. An adult snapper may reach more than 70 lbs., but average weight is around 35lbs. Snappers live most of their lives in the water, preferring shallow ponds, canals, and streams but sometimes live in deeper, slow-moving rivers or lakes.

Snapping turtles consume a wide variety of aquatic plants and many kinds of animals including: fish, frogs, birds, and small mammals. They are also effective scavengers and clean up dead fish and drowned animals.

All turtles reproduce by laying eggs in the Spring. A female will usually excavate her nest at night or in the morning by digging in an open, sandy spot near vegetation. The nest is usually between three and seven inches deep. There she will deposit between 20 and 40 eggs. These round eggs, resembling ping-pong balls, will hatch late summer to early fall.

How, When and Why They Become a Nuisance Pest

Turtles can become a nuisance in almost any body of water. Any small body of water with an adequate food source will do. If the water has food in it or around it, turtles may decide to take up residence there.

Damage They Cause

In residential areas, most problems occur when local turtles find a man made fish pond containing koi, goldfish, or other ornamental fish.

These natural fish tanks are prime targets for many predators including raccoon, fox, coyote, birds of prey, and turtles. Since turtles can be a somewhat sneaky predator, it’s not unusual for them to move into a small pond and go unseen for some time as they slowly deplete the fish population.

Atlanta, Georgia Turtle Removal & Turtle Control

Turtles are a great natural resource. It does not make sense to wipe out the entire turtle population when they move onto your property. For this reason, the preferred method of dealing with problems is to trap and remove the turtles which are causing the damage and relocate them at least 10 miles away.

There are a number of traps available that can be successfully used to capture turtles. The key to successful turtle trapping is using the right trap on the problem turtle.

If you need a professional turtle trapper or snapping turtle removal in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area then give Urban Wildlife Control a call, we can help!