
Georgia has a rich bio diversity of snakes, with 41 native species now documented, 6 of which are venomous. Snakes are a beneficial part of our ecosystem because they play a major role as rodent predators.

Common non-venomous snake species include:


Black Racer Corn Snake Eastern Garter
Eastern King Milk Snake Yellow Rat
Northern Water Southern Ringneck Black Rat
Brown Snake    

Brown Snake vs Juvenile Copperhead


There are two types of venomous snakes in Georgia: the Crotalidae, or Pit Viper, and the Elapidae. Included in the family of Pit Vipers are: Diamondback Rattlesnake, Canebrake Rattlesnake, Pigmy Rattlesnake, Cottonmouth , or Water Moccasin, and the Copperhead . The elapidae family, or Cobra family, is represented in Georgia by the Coral Snake.

Adult snakes vary in size from 6″ up to 8′ in length, depending on the species. Color varies widely from species to species from patterns, solid colors, bands, under belly colors and other markings.

How, When and Why They Become a Nuisance Pest

Snakes can become a nuisance in many different ways, and in different situations, due to the general fear most people have towards snakes. People are most likely to encounter snakes if their property provides good snake habitat. Like all animals, snakes are looking for a good place to hunt and live.

Damage They Cause

The only damage a snake can cause, besides poisonous bites, is just the general phobia most Atlanta residence have towards them.

Snake Removal & Snake Control in Atlanta, Georgia

Snakes inside homes and offices can create an intense fear for some people, these snake should not be harmed, and may be there because of an unknown rodent problem. Homes with snakes present should be checked for the presents of rodents. Once snakes are removed, entry point(s) should be located and sealed, as not to allow snakes and rodents to enter into the building.

A rat or mouse problem (if present) must also be addressed. It is recommended that non-venomous snakes outside, should be left alone. Venomous snakes can be removed and snake pleasing habitats can be modified, which will make your property less attractive to snakes. Examples: Brush and junk removal, Removal of wood and rock piles, ivy, reduce food (typically rodents) sources. In addition, a specially designed repellent can be applied that helps keep snakes out of the area.

Learn More about snake control